Prioritization of Suitable Measures for Traffic Management Scheme on A Collector Road in Khon Kaen University
Hybrid Multi-Attribute Decision Making (HMADM), Environmental Adaptation Method (EAM), Khon Kaen UniversityAbstract
This paper presents the prioritization of appropriate traffic management measures along a collector road in front of the complex building in Khon Kaen University. The study applied Hybrid Multiple-Attribute Decision Making (HMADM) based on the Sustainable Development (SD) principles and the Environmental Adaptation Method (EAM) for such prioritization. The results of prioritizing measures are as follows: the top three measures for the transition zone are are raised pavement at the intersection (0.664), visibility (0.655) and speed hump (0.653). For the core zone, the three top ranking measures are mid-block crossing (0.736), railing footpath and median (0.688) and street lighting (0.679). The above measures are consistent with the measures that were implemented in the study area.
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