Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment of Construction Waste in the Mass Rapid Transit Orange Line Construction Project (Thailand Cultural Center–Min Buri Section)
Construction waste, Carbon dioxide equivalent, Railway constructionAbstract
The construction materials are the main of the construction process, but the nature of every construction project inevitably generated waste or scrap material from construction process, all of these scrap materials cause unlimited environmental problems, one of them is the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. This research focuses on greenhouse gas emissions assessment from construction wastes in railway construction project, to awareness of the problem of generated construction waste. The results of this research of construction waste during of January 2018 to December 2021 showed that the year 2019 in the past, this is 49.93 percent of most construction waste in the year, because this year Is the main construction phase, it requires a high amount of effort, cost and resources. And the results of greenhouse gas emissions assessment following the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change showed that the construction waste from tunnels and underground stations has highest greenhouse gas emissions equal to 277,441.96 tons of CO2e per kilometer, accounted for 93.99 percent, from total greenhouse gas emissions 295,171.86 tons of CO2e per kilometer. The research suggested further study to extend the scope to cover the whole life cycle of the construction including the use stage and the end of life stage. ECO-efficiency should be considered for more definitive conclusions.
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