The Opportunistic Red-Light Running Behavior of Motorcyclists
Red-light running, Vulnerable Road Users, Signalized IntersectionAbstract
Red-Lights Running (RLR) lead to serious intersection collisions. This is especially when a car runs a red light and opportunistic motorcycle riders early start and enter intersection before the light turns green. This study aimed to reveal factors influencing the Opportunistic Red-Light-Running behavior (OP) of the motorcyclists. In this study, video cameras were used to capture the crossing behavior of 2,681 motorcycle riders at 8 signalized intersections in Nakhon Ratchasima. The Binary Logit models were developed to reveal factors associated with OP. The results showed that 61% of red-light runners were opportunistic traffic violators. Logit model results revealed that male, riding the commercial motorcycles, parking above stop-line, having visual search strategies, being in the direction with countdown number display, having narrower crossing distances, and moving in the direction with higher differences in number of lanes, are factors that encourages OP. The results imply that OP is intentional violation. Therefore, behavioral change interventions should focus on rider intention by modifying the perceived benefit and risk of OP riders.
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