Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rail Infrastructure Construction in Thailand Case Study Double Track Railway Project Southern Line: Nakhon Pathom–Huahin Route
Greenhouse gas emissions assessment, Railway infrastructure, Lifecycle assessmentAbstract
This research aimed to estimate greenhouse gas emissions by life cycle assessment at the rail system construction project case study the construction of a double-track railway Nakhon Pathom to Huahin project. The result revealed a total emission of approximately 0.27 mega ton of carbon dioxide equivalent. The production of material phase accounts for 96% and construction phase accounts for 4% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions per kilometer represent 2,941 ton CO2eq per kilometer. In the research quantified greenhouse gas emissions from construction module covering earth work, tracks work, structure work and stations work to find the activities that are the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions in each construction module in addition the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions for each construction module were analyzed. The greenhouse gas emission intensity for earth work was 11.51 ton CO2eq per million baht, track work 23.16 ton CO2eq per million baht, structural work 50.71 ton CO2eq per million baht, and station work 36.90 ton CO2eq per million baht.
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