Factors Influencing the Intention to Drink and Drive: A Case Study of Engineering Students, Khon Kaen University
Drunk driving, Theory of planned behaviour, Multi-Group AnalysisAbstract
The drunk driving results in losses for themselves and others. This study aimed to examine the factors influencing engineering students' intent to drink and drive and compare the developed model of first-year students to that of upper-year students. The study administered a questionnaire based on the theory of Planned behavior (TPB) to 558 students. The research employed descriptive statistics and a structural equation model (SEM) to explain the factors that influence drunk driving intentions. Multi-group analysis was used to assess the invariance of the measurement. This study found that factors influencing intention to drink-driving were perceived behavioral control and injunctive norms. This influence remained unchanged regardless of the year under consideration. However, the levels and correlation values for drunk driving intention, injunctive norms, perceived behavioral control, and drunk driving behavior were higher in those upper-year students. To reduce the intent of drunk driving Attention should be given to the cognitive factors controlling behavior, and it may be necessary to study more information on the controlling factors for drunk driving behavior of students.
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