Effect of Pharmaceutical Care and Nutrition Services on Glycemic Control in Elderly Patients with Diabetes: A case Study of Community Hospital
Pharmaceutical care, Nutrition services, Type-2 diabetesAbstract
A non-communicable diseases (NCDs) clinic has been established in The Nonsaad hospital. The multidisciplinary teams have been participating in this clinic for patient care. This study aimed to evaluate the outcome of pharmaceutical care and nutrition services by the pharmacist in elderly patients with diabetes this hospital. This study was quasi-experimental and conducted in one group of populations by comparison before and after the intervention was given. Changes of HbA1C level and patient knowledge were the primary outcomes. A total of 38 patients were included. Three months after receiving pharmaceutical care and nutrition services, the mean of HbA1C level was significantly decreased from 10.2+1.9% to 9.0+1.8% and FPG from 192.3+61.7 mg/dl to 160.2+59.9 mg/dl. The average scores of patients’ knowledge regarding diabetes and nutrition was significantly increased by 1.8 points (total 15 points) and 1.0 points (total 13 points), respectively. Noncompliance was the most
drug-related problem found and all patients were reported as well nourished. This study can indicate that the pharmaceutical care and nutrition services could lower blood sugar levels, increase patients’ knowledge in fields of diabetes and nutrition, decrease drug-related problems and improve unhealthy diet habits.
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