The Study of Movement Behavior of Brick Block Retaining Wall Reinforced by Wire Stand
Retaining wall, Interlocking brick, Wire standAbstract
This paper presented the movement behavior of a dry-joint interlocking brick retaining wall reinforced with wire ropes in diameter size is 4 mm under the tensile strength of 4.54 9.07 and 13.61 kilograms. The interlocking bricks had dimensions of 12.5x25x10 cm. and weigh 15 kg/block. Compressive strength 80.51 kg/cm2. To study the behavior of horizontal displacement of its, had height 1.50 m width 2.00 m thickness 0.125 m. The dry-joint interlocking brick retaining walls for both permanent and temporary walls was simple, convenient and fast for construction without requiring skilled labours and large machinery. The experiment found that the interlocking brick retaining wall reinforced with 4 mm. of diameter wire ropes under 4.54, 9.07 and 13.61 kilograms. of many tensile forces had the maximum horizontal displacement of 4.06 4.27 and 4.55 mm., respectively, and the modulus of elasticity values was 140,441 111,262 and 78,325 kg/cm2 respectively. And compared the behavior of its under conditioner above – mentioned, found the structure of its had maximum efficiency under tensile forces 4.54 kilograms with this condition it had the most straight line of displacement and had the least horizontal displacement to shows that under tensile forces 4.54 kilograms with wire ropes in diameter size 4 mm. was the suitable force per section area of wire ropes in diameter 4 mm. to result in of retaining wall had a high resistance from lateral earth pressure. This cased was the best to apply for the dry-joint interlocking brick retaining walls when comparison with other cares in condition under tensile forces 9.07 and 13.61 kilograms there are showed the percentage of displacement values were 5.17 and 12.0 respectively.
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