Slope Failure Causes and Remediation Approaches: A case study of Rural Road Udon Thani 4013 Km.12+850 – Km.13+150 Section between Ban Na kum Noy and BaanTah Toom Using Finite Element Method with Plaxis 2D Program
Slope Failure, Erosion, Finite element methodAbstract
This research studied the causes of slope failure and approaches for remediation. The case study of Rural Road Udon Thani 4013 Km. 12+850 - Km. 13+150 Section between Ban Na Kham Noi and Ban Tah Toom by Finite Element Method with the Plaxis 2D program was used. The results of the study were as follows. The slope stability was within safety standard in normal conditions. However, the water flow from the river, which changed direction, hit the unprotected slope, caused erosion by beginning at the Toe Slope and gradually spreading into the main structure, finally reaching the surface as an important factor affecting slope failure. As to remediation, the method of reinforcement by Rock and wire mattress was used by laying Rubber sheet on the bottom, which would increase the slope stability, increase drainage efficiency and prevent erosion in the soil below. The safety ratio was 3.80, which was within safety standard (NAVFAC DM 7.01, 1986).
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