Effect of Moisture Adjustment on Physico-chemical Properties, Durability and Production Efficiency of Broiler Feed Pellets

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Suchot Subwilawan
Ampawan Tansakul
Phairoj Sridokgmai
Suvaluk Asavasanti


This study aims to investigate effect of moisture adjustment on physico-chemical properties, durability and production efficiency of broiler feed pellets. Three levels of moisture content (12, 13 and 14% wet basis) were adjusted by adding water at mixing step prior to pelletizing. The properties of pellets including moisture content, gelatinization behavior, pellet durability, density and length were determined. Moisture adjustment significantly increased moisture content of the final pellets (p < 0.05) but did not affect gelatinization behavior, pellet durability and density. The pellet length slightly decreased as the initial moisture content increased. Production efficiency was improved when increasing moisture content up to 14% while the quality of pellet remains the same. Thus, appropriate level of moisture adjustment at the mixing step could improve production efficiency of feed pellets.

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How to Cite
Subwilawan, S., Tansakul, A., Sridokgmai, P., & Asavasanti, S. (2019). Effect of Moisture Adjustment on Physico-chemical Properties, Durability and Production Efficiency of Broiler Feed Pellets. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, 12(2), 95–103. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ijast/article/view/211268
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