The Integrated Learning System on Technical English for Communication in Careers…How and what is it?
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The study of The Development of People’s Science, Technology and Engineering Potentiality by Using Integrated Learning System on Technical English for Communication in Careers was done by focusing on workforce development, particularly their basic English in career communication. It was done by applying 7 main items to the development. The 7 are effective education management, introducing self and greeting, general answering to a phone call, job description or goods description, getting the order, job application writing, and job interview and work presentation. Essential related English skills would be recommended for the general jobs of the trainees. It would take about 35 – 40 hours, or every other day for about 8 – 10 days for the training.
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How to Cite
Phuangnoi, P., Kaewsai, N., Lerkbangplad, S., & Setobol, B. (2013). The Integrated Learning System on Technical English for Communication in Careers…How and what is it?. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, 6(1), 81–86. retrieved from