Material Flow Behaviour on Fine Blanking Process for Sheet Metal Extrusion

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C. Suriyapha
R. Boonsong
B. Bopit


Sheet metal extrusion in fine-blanking process (SME-FB) can create a different of sheet metal thickness. These research studies explain the characteristic of material-flow behavior on SME-FB. That is, The causes of surface crack and end-rod shrinkage which are the general problems in the SME-FB. In this study, the medium steel S45C (JIS) was used as a material extruded vary in tool radii; i.e., 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mm. Therefore, the material-flow behavior on the SME-FB process was investigated the formation of the defection with respect to the several die radii by using the Finite Element Method (FEM). From the results, it indicated that applying the small die radius caused the material flow difficult resulting in the decreasing of smooth surface. In contrast, in the case of large die radius, the material can flow easy is resulting in the increasing of smooth surface. Moreover, the FEM simulation results of a larger die radius will cause the residual stress at work piece.

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How to Cite
Suriyapha, C., Boonsong, R., & Bopit, B. (2013). Material Flow Behaviour on Fine Blanking Process for Sheet Metal Extrusion. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, 4(1), 77–80. Retrieved from