Critical Maintenance of Thermal Power Plant Using the Combination of Failure Mode Effect Analysis and AHP Approches

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Anan Suebsomran
Sompob Talabgeaw


The electricity power generation plays the important role of every business or industrial, since it must be supplied to cove with the full consumption on demand sites. To keep with constant operating point of electric power generation of thermal process, the maintenance is the most crucial technique for preserving the deterioration or damage of equipments. In this research the thermal power plant of Electric Generation Authority of Thailand (EGAT) is selected to develop the maintenance system. Historical maintenance data of each unit of thermal plant must be retrieved. The data are classified and identified in four levels such as units, systems, equipments, and component. The data is characterized to database manner by using SQLserver and Visual C# 2005 is used for implementing the user program interfacing. The criteria level applies the combination of Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) and AHP approaches to find the critical ranking priority of failure mode relating to three criteria such as maintenance cost, man per hour working, line priority. In summary of this research, we analyze and develop the software for maintenance priority and management for thermal power plant. The developed software can help the maintenance team for making decision in spare part management and it is friendly-user to pursuit the maintenance policy focused on critical maintaining equipments in overall systems

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How to Cite
Suebsomran, A., & Talabgeaw, S. (2013). Critical Maintenance of Thermal Power Plant Using the Combination of Failure Mode Effect Analysis and AHP Approches. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, 3(3), 1–6. retrieved from