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ธีรินทร์ เกตุวิชิต
สุรศักดิ์ มังสิงห์


The purpose of this research was to study creation of medical information and data exchange in referral system through JSON web service system to exchange domical information between the hospitals. The transferred hospital would be able to retrieve medical data and treatment results directly from the laboratory to diagnose and provide treatment rapidly to prevent difficulty and loss without waiting the data coming with the patients. The target groups were the hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health covering 8 provinces in the upper northern part. The study employed action research divided into 4 steps: studying structure and analyzing data referral system used at the present time, analyzing the system and designing working system, developing referral system, and testing the created system. The study showed that the developed medical referral system was evaluated by the experts averagely at 4.98 with the standard deviation at 0.045. After evaluating by general users, the study showed mean at 4.96 and the standard deviation at 0.075. This showed that the developed system contained efficiency in terms of the quality at a high level.

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