An Extension of Exponentiated Lomax Distribution with Application to Lifetime Data


  • Amal Soliman Hassan Department of Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Mundher Abdullah Khaleel Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq
  • Rokaya Elmorsy Mohamd Department of Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University, Egypt


Alpha power transformation, moments, stochastic ordering, maximum likelihood, least squares


We introduce a new lifetime distribution referred to alpha power transformed exponentiated Lomax (APTEL) distribution. It includes new models as; the alpha power transformed exponentiated Pareto, alpha power transformed Pareto and alpha power transformed Lomax. Also, it includes former distributions as exponentiated Lomax, exponentiated Pareto, Pareto and Lomax. Several properties of the proposed distribution are studied. Maximum likelihood and least squares estimation methods are utilized to estimate the population parameters. A simulation study is carried out to assess the behavior of the proposed estimates via absolute bias, standard error and mean square error. Two real data sets are analyzed to illustrate the importance of the proposed distribution when compared with some present lifetime distributions.




How to Cite

Soliman Hassan, A. ., Abdullah Khaleel, M. ., & Elmorsy Mohamd, R. . (2021). An Extension of Exponentiated Lomax Distribution with Application to Lifetime Data. Thailand Statistician, 19(3), 484–500. retrieved from


