On New Bivariate Poisson - Lindley distribution with Application of Correlated Bivariate Count Data Analysis
Bivariate discrete distribution, bivariate Poisson Lindley, correlated bivariate count data, maximum likelihood estimationAbstract
This paper proposes a bivariate generalized Poisson-Lindley (BGPL) distribution, which is an alternative to analyse correlated bivariate count data. The joint probability mass function, covariance, and correlation coefficient of the proposed distribution, are discussed. It has two sub-models, such as the bivariate Poisson-Lindley (BPL) and bivariate geometric (BGeo) distributions. The unknown parameters of the proposed distribution are estimated with the maximum likelihood method. In addition, some examples of correlated bivariate count data are fitted with the proposed distribution and it compares with the BPL, BGeo, and bivariate Poisson distributions. The results show that the BGPL distribution provides the lowest value of the Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion than other distributions. It is indicated that the BGPL distribution can be used as an alternative flexible distribution for modeling correlated bivariate count data which are either positive or negative correlations.
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