Claim Development Patterns with Cluster Analysis


  • Guettouche Saida Mathematics Department, Badji Moukhtar university, Annaba, Algeria
  • Remita Med Riad Mathematics Department, Badji Moukhtar university, Annaba, Algeria
  • Arrar Nawel Mathematics Department, Badji Moukhtar university, Annaba, Algeria


Run-off triangle, claim development patterns, agglomerative hierarchical clustering, Ward’s method, clustering


Loss reserving models has been in majority very sensitive to long payment delay of incurred claims, the insurance company is not able to, precisely, forecast the amount or the delay which a claim need to be settled definitively. Therefore, this existing contrast between claim development patterns called for the idea of implementing clustering techniques in order to extract patterns of development claims through the set of information aggregated in the run off triangle. The aim of this paper is to shed the light on the way of eliciting the multiple features of development pattern for IBNR claims using Wards agglomerative clustering algorithm.


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How to Cite

Saida, G. ., Med Riad, R. ., & Nawel, A. . (2023). Claim Development Patterns with Cluster Analysis. Thailand Statistician, 21(2), 257–267. retrieved from


