Estimation and Testing Procedures for the Reliability Functions of One Parameter Generalized Exponential Distribution(GED)
Generalized exponential distribution, point-estimation, interval-estimation, censoring methods, testing of hypothesisAbstract
This paper has considered the estimation and testing of two reliability function e.g. and
for one parameter generalized exponential distribution(GED). Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators (UMVUES) and maximum likelihood estimators (MLES)techniques are used to estimate the two reliability function under Type II and Type I censoring scheme in point estimation. Asymptotic confidence interval for the parameter
, based on maximum likelihood estimators (MLES),with dispersion matrix is constructed. A hypothesis testing procedure has been obtained for two parametric functions. Lastly, the simulation study of two reliability procedures has been done and for the illustrative purposes real life data analysis is made.
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