A Study on Partially Accelerated Life Test for the Generalized Inverse Lindley Distribution Under Multiple Censored Information
Constant stress partially accelerated life tests, generalized inverse Lindley distribution, multiple censoring, Fisher information matrix, simulation studyAbstract
If the objects have high reliability, then checking the life span of components in regular use circumstances takes extra time and expenditure compared to accelerated circumstances. The apparatus put on higher stress than the regular level of stresses to find out premature failures in a short phase to lessen the costs involved in the assessment of apparatus with no change in the worth. This problem is based on constant stress partially accelerated life tests for the generalized inverse Lindley distribution using multiple censoring schemes. The maximum likelihood estimates and asymptotic variance and covariance matrix are achieved. The confidence intervals for parameters are also assembled. Further, a simulation study is used to check and verify the performance of the estimators.
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