Comparative Study on Outliers-Detection Procedures in Binary Logistic Regression Model


  • Ali H. Abuzaid Department of Mathematics, Al Azhar University-Gaza, Palestine
  • Nae'l A. Alghalban Department of Applied Statistics, Al Azhar University-Gaza, Palestine


Deletion raw, deviance, influential points, residuals


The analysis of logistic regression is subjected to the existence of outliers, which affect the accuracy of model prediction. This article compares the performance of six outliers-detection methods in logistic regression model based on simulation study, by considering different sample size, number of covariates, contamination rate. The results show that the power of performance has an inverse relationship with the contamination rate as well as the number of covariates. Moreover, the performance is almost stable for large sample size. The DFFIT, and Cook’s distance methods outperform other methods, while the hat value method is the weakest. For illustration purpose, a real data set of 30 patients with leukemia were modeled by logistic regression, and the six detection methods were implemented to detect possible outliers, the analysis results showed an agreement with the findings of the simulation study.


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How to Cite

H. Abuzaid, A. ., & A. Alghalban, N. . (2023). Comparative Study on Outliers-Detection Procedures in Binary Logistic Regression Model . Thailand Statistician, 22(1), 180–191. retrieved from


