Modelling Veterinary Medical Data Utilizing a New Generalized Marshall-Olkin Transmuted Generator of Distributions with Statistical Properties


  • Laba Handiquea Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Golaghat Commerce College, Golaghat, Assam, India
  • Subrata Chakraborty Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, India
  • Mahmoud El-Morshedy Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, India
  • Ahmed Z. Afify Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Insurance, Benha University, Benha, Egypt
  • Mohamed S. Eliwa Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


Generalized-Marshall-Olkin family, transmuted-G family, exponential distribution, stochastic orderings


This paper introduces a new family of continuous distributions called the generalized Marshall-Olkin transmuted-G family to extend the transmuted family that is proposed by Shaw and Buckley (2009). Some of its mathematical properties including hazard rate function, quantile, asymptotes, stochastic orderings, moment generating function, and entropy are derived. A special sub-model of the proposed family is discussed. The maximum likelihood, least squares and weighted least squares estimation methods are adopted to estimate the model parameters. We present a simulation study to explore the biases and mean square errors of these estimators. The superiority of the proposed family over other existing distributions is proved by modelling a veterinary medical data.


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How to Cite

Handiquea, L. ., Chakraborty, S. ., El-Morshedy, M. ., Z. Afify, A. ., & S. Eliwa, M. . (2023). Modelling Veterinary Medical Data Utilizing a New Generalized Marshall-Olkin Transmuted Generator of Distributions with Statistical Properties. Thailand Statistician, 22(1), 219–236. retrieved from


