Stochastic Properties of Topp-Leone Generated Family of Distributions
Hazard rate function, stochastic orderings, reversed hazard rate function, expected inactivity time, mean residual life functionAbstract
Topp-Leone generated family of distributions contains continuous distributions having bathtub shaped hazard rates. In this paper, we compare two random variables from this family of distributions using stochastic orderings. We also consider a special case of this family of distributions, namely, Topp-Leone exponential distribution and investigate few reliability indicators of this distribution such as hazard rate function, reversed hazard rate function, mean residual life function, and expected inactivity time. Renyi entropy measure for the Topp-Leone exponential distribution has also been discussed. Moreover, we define the Topp-Leone generated log-logistic distribution and the Topp-Leone generated Lomax distribution using the genesis of the Topp-Leone generated family of distributions. We also present real data applications to discuss the importance of this family of distributions.
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