A Simple Profile Likelihood-based Confidence Interval for the Risk Ratio in Rare Events Meta-analysis


  • Patarawan Sangnawakij Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, Pathum Thani, Thailand


Multiple studies, interval estimation, likelihood ratio, risk ratio, small events


Meta-analysis refers to a quantitative method for performing statistical analysis and summarizing results from independent studies, to draw overall conclusions. When the small number of events in individual studies are observed in one or both treatment groups, the classical meta-analysis can lead to perversion because of data sparsity. In this paper, two confidence intervals for the risk ratio in
rare events meta-analysis are proposed. They are derived through the profile likelihood ratio method. An extensive simulation study is performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators. These are compared to the Wald-type and Mantel-Haenzel confidence intervals. By mean of simulations, our confidence interval is found to have a good performance in general cases in the study. It is also robust; in other words, regardless of the number of studies, its simulated coverage probability is close to the specified confidence coefficient with an acceptable average length. Real data analysis on epidemiology and transmission is conducted to assess the computational feasibility of the proposed methods.


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How to Cite

Sangnawakij, P. . (2024). A Simple Profile Likelihood-based Confidence Interval for the Risk Ratio in Rare Events Meta-analysis. Thailand Statistician, 22(2), 312–327. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaistat/article/view/253442


