The Exponentiated Half-Logistic-Generalized Marshall-Olkin-G Family of Distributions with Properties and Applications


  • Broaderick Oluyede Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana
  • Peter Ookame Peter Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana
  • Nkumbuludzi Ndwapi Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana


Consistency, flexibility, model parameters, maximum likelihood estimation, simulations


In this article, we present a new generalized family of distributions called the Exponentiated Half-Logistic-Generalized Marshall-Olkin-G (EHL-GMO-G) distribution. Some of the useful mathematical and statistical properties for this new family of distributions such as the hazard rate function, quantile function, moments and moment generating functions, Renyi entropy, order statistics and ´stochastic order are derived. The method of maximum likelihood estimation is used for estimating the model parameters. Simulation experiments are conducted to illustrate consistency of the maximum likelihood estimates for model parameters and furthermore we apply one special case of this new family to real life data sets to demonstrate its flexibility in modelling various types of real life data


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How to Cite

Oluyede, B. ., Ookame Peter, P. ., & Ndwapi, N. . (2024). The Exponentiated Half-Logistic-Generalized Marshall-Olkin-G Family of Distributions with Properties and Applications. Thailand Statistician, 22(4), 779–802. Retrieved from


