Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings : A Case Study Bismai Bimalasataya Building Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University

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Suriyun Chansawang


This paper presents correct ways to preserve historic buildings. It is important in building conservation to keep buildings last for a long time and maintain the identity of the building. The objective of Bismai Bimalasataya Building at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, as case Study, is to restore the building, which is historic building. It must be properly conserved in good condition and still can be utilized in present time. The conservation method are raising the floor of the building higher than the original level according to the current condition of the area. Reinforcement of new building foundations according to engineering methods is considered. Moreover, engineering methods for strengthening and protecting against groundwater moisture. Lastly, the buildings should be clarified actual damages before renovation process. The processes presented are all necessary for the conservation of ancient buildings in accordance with international standards and methods. It is working in proper principle. As a result, the method will make the ancient building important and deserve to be preserved forever.

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Research Articles


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