Motivation toward implementation of ISO 14001: A case study in ITALIAN-THAI DEVELOPMENT Public Company Limited

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Piyarad Rachakul
Ulawan Kulchatchai
Watchara Sattayaprasert


This study is qualitative research which aimed to investigate administrator’s motivations. The administrator who realized the significance of applying ISO 14001 environmental management system in organization. The instrument used in this study was in dept-interview. The data analysis interviewed was constant comparison by coding in order to be most validity and reliability. The coding analyzed were grouping according to motivation factors and giving the meaning with frequency of repeating. The findings revealed that the important motivations that encouraged administrator to apply ISO 14001 in organization were intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic motivations were guidelines of environmental performances in organization, reducing business budgets, convincing acceptance’s customers, developing system, increasing organization’s incomes to be sustainable organization and sufficiency economy of organization. The extrinsic motivations were raising opportunity of business competition and reducing the effects towards community nearby. The results found that extrinsic motivations were frequency of repeating higher than intrinsic motivations. This implied that extrinsic motivation factors could be guidelines to others which are interested in applying ISO 14001 in their own organizations effectively.

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