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This research shows the study and analysis on the relationship between earthquake events and the Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere over Thailand during 2007-2020. The method for this research is to use the International GNSS Service (IGS) network and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model for finding TEC in the ionosphere and analyze the correlation on earthquake events and ionosphere characteristics. The result is correlated between IGS TEC and earthquake events at 0.089, which shows the positive evidence of correlation on earthquake magnitudes and ionosphere. The relationship between IRI TEC and earthquake events correlates at 0.056, which shows the positive correlation between earthquake events and ionosphere. A significant correlation among IGS TEC, IRI TEC, and earthquake events obviously showed direct evidence of correlation coefficient on ionosphere disturbance and earthquake magnitudes at 5.0 and upward magnitudes. As the results, it guides to making the future work and the researchers will study the significance of the development of earthquake warning systems.
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