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The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) over the Bangkok region occasionally has spots where its performance could be more consistent and imprecise due to the dust in the sky, the surroundings, and high buildings. As a reason, the area has an impact on satellite signal reception. As a reason, the area has an impact on satellite signal reception. As a reason, the area has an impact on satellite signal reception. It blocks and reflects satellite signals and more than the visibility of GNSS satellites is needed to be useful. We offer a sky visibility analysis based on satellites classification. We provide information on sky visibility estimation for BeiDou and GPS satellites based on direct GNSS receiver measurements.The visibility of BeiDou and GPS satellites is classified by sky plotting techniques. For our proposed analytical evaluation of the visibility satellites over Bangkok on November 8th, 2023, we found that the locations of BeiDou and GPS satellites were at different times and affected the efficiency of analyzing the visibility of sky plots throughout Bangkok, Thailand.
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