Scope of Journal

The Journal of Information Science and Technology (JIST) aims to be the forum through which researchers, faculties, graduate students and experts of the computer and information technology and others technological related fields share and discuss their high quality research work as well as innovation. Original research articles, practical applications and innovations in the broad area of computer and information technology are suitable for publication in JIST. JIST plans to publish 2 issues per year [Jan - June] [July - December].

• Soft Computing:
Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy and Neural Computing, Genetic Algorithms, Intelligent Agents, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Robotics and Automation, Image Processing

• Human-Computer Interaction:
Graphical User Interfaces, Multimedia, Interactive Systems, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Human Cognitive Skills, Visualization, and Computer Simulation

• Information Assurance and Security:
Cryptography, Forensics and Incident Response, Biometrics, Security Policies and Procedures

• Information Systems:
Databases, Information Retrieval, Transaction Processing, Distributed and Object Databases, Data Warehousing, Knowledge Management, Expert Systems, Multimedia Information Systems, Digital Libraries, Geographical Information Systems

• Networking:
Advanced Computer Networks, Internet Technology and Applications, Distributed Systems, Wireless and Mobile Computing, Data Compression, Network Security, Enterprise Networking, Digital Communications

• Programming:
Object-Oriented Programming, Event-Driven Programming, Functional Programming, Logic Programming, XML and other Extensible Languages, Parallel Programming

• Platform Technologies:
Advanced Computer Architecture, Parallel Architectures, Cluster / Grid Computing, RFID, Embedded Systems

• System Integration and Architecture:
Software Acquisition and Implementation, System Needs Assessment, Software Economics, Enterprise Systems, Computing Economics

• Social and Professional Issues:
Professional Practice, Social Context of Computing, Computers Ethics, IT Law, Intellectual Property, Privacy and Civil Rights

• Web Systems and Technologies:
Programming for the WWW, E-commerce, E-Learning, Content Management Systems, E-Government and E-Service

• Multidisciplinary:
Bioinformatics, Biomedical Information Systems, Nano Technology

• e-Business and m-Business:
e-Business Process Aspects, Intelligent e-Business System, m-Business, e-Supply Chain Management & e-Logistics, e-Customer Relationship Management, e-Negotiation, e-Payment, e-Business Design and Developments

• Business and Information System:
Information management for business applications, Enterprise systems and architecture, Business systems infrastructure design for information integration, Service-oriented architecture, Service-component architecture

• Social and Business Aspects of Convergence IT and Ubiquitous Computing:
Economics of emerging technologies, Home and community computing, Economic and social complexities in CIT and UC, New forms of media and communications. 

• Internet of Things (IoT): 
IoT system architecture, IoT enabling technologies, IoT communication and networking protocols such as network coding, and IoT services and applications, IoT services, applications, and test-beds such as IoT service middleware, IoT application programming interface (API), IoT application design, and IoT trials/experiments; IoT standardization activities and technology development in different standard development organizations (SDO).

• Cloud Computing:
Auditing, monitoring, scheduling, resource registration/discovery, Automatic reconfiguration, self healing/monitoring, Autonomic, high-performance, utility, P2P computing, Cloud architecture/modelling, services, Consistency models, fault tolerance/reliability, Data grid, semantic web, web services, hardware/software as a service, Innovations in IP (esp. open source) systems, IT service/relationship management, security, risk, trustworthiness, privacy, Load balancing, optimal deployment configuration, Mainframe/large systems integration, programming models, Middleware frameworks, virtualization, Power-aware profiling, modelling, optimization, Scalable fault resilience techniques, Scalable scheduling on heterogeneous architectures, Service level agreements, integration, management.

• Fintech and blockchain:
Development of Blockchain Security Enhancement Technologies, Platform Technology that Supports Safe Transactions, Financial and Economic Structures, Blockchain's Impacts on Workstyles, Integrating Finance with Technology, Familiar Financial Services, a Variety of Fintech Services, Fast Fintech for Smartphone Application Service Platform.