The Parallel Coordinates Methodology to Study Suspicious Behavior on a Computer Network

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ณัฐโชติ พรหมฤทธิ
อนิราช มิ่งขวัญ


- In this paper, the suspicious behavior on a computer network is used to analyze by detecting the violation behavior of network security policies. This paper proposed the user investigations with visualization time machine for network forensic (UIV) model. The proposed model is used parallel coordinates, which can be presented as the relationship of various parameters such as user, source ip address, time, destination ip address, destination service and domain name. For this system, the model is tested by simulated attack. The result of experiment shows that (i) the attacked signatures are different depended on situation attacked and (ii) the analyst are able to tracking individual behavior using UIV model.

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How to Cite
พรหมฤทธิ ณ. and มิ่งขวัญ อ., “The Parallel Coordinates Methodology to Study Suspicious Behavior on a Computer Network”, JIST, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 12–20, Jun. 2011.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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