Business Intelligence for Road Network Vulnerability Assessment

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Jassada Pumjun
Suree Funilkul
Wichian Chutimaskul
Kitti Subprasom


- At present, a series of road network disruption, being caused by various kinds of events such as natural disasters, and human errors act of human intention, frequently take place around the globe and create a direct impact to all mankind. Configuration has, therefore, played a critical role to the road system planning. In order to initiate the road network vulnerability analysis, it requires all involved parties to have a visibility in accessing all the relevant factors that can create severe impact on the road network at what level. By possessing such valued data, all person-in-charge, then, will be able to identify preventive actions and corrective actions practically. Without any doubts, vulnerability of road network has become one of the precious factors to be counted when it comes down to the road planning process. Attached with this particular research, vulnerability of road network is measured in many different ways and will be taken into consideration as one of the beneficial factor for road planning process. The “significance” of certain road (s) in surface transport network will be named since the vulnerability of road network will identify which traffic link (s) and/or line (s) are cut off, temporarily shut down or severely damaged. The vulnerability measurements are presented and elaborated in graph and GIS.

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How to Cite
J. Pumjun, S. Funilkul, W. Chutimaskul, and K. Subprasom, “Business Intelligence for Road Network Vulnerability Assessment”, JIST, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 30–44, Dec. 2011.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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