Implementation of RSSI-Based 3D Indoor Localization using Wireless Sensor Networks Based on ZigBee Standard

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Thanapong Chuenurajit
DwiJoko Suroso
Panarat Cherntanomwong


- Indoor localization as a part of the wireless node localization has its advantages to be applied in the real life. Complicated terrain and environments in an indoor environment become the proposed problems in this research. This paper proposes a simple and effective system for Wireless Sensor Networks-based 3D indoor localization based on ZigBee standard. A clean environment as the observed areaof 5 m × 5 m × 2 m is applied. The Min-Max algorithm as one of the techniques in the range-based localization is employed. The 8 reference nodes are deployed. The target node is stationary in the observed location. The expected estimated location error of the target should be less than the experiment areas, so that less than 2 m for our case. The results show that the estimated errors of all observed target locations are less than 2 m, which are satisfied our expectation. The proposed technique will be developed to improve the accuracy to support all applications for the future.

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How to Cite
T. Chuenurajit, D. Suroso, and P. Cherntanomwong, “Implementation of RSSI-Based 3D Indoor Localization using Wireless Sensor Networks Based on ZigBee Standard”, JIST, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1–6, Dec. 2012.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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