Development of Computer Vision System for Food Feeding Robot Arm for the Disabled Person

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สยาม เจริญเสียง
บพิตร ช่วยคง


- This research presents the development of computer vision to determine the locations of a spoon, a food plate, and a water glass along with the orientation of a spoon on the tray. The tracked information will be sent to a robot arm to feed food to the disabled person. The SIFT feature technique is applied to find the recognized objects. It can take care of lighting and image’s rotation with noises. The proposed system can find the spoon within 1.7 seconds with accuracy of tracked location with less than +14 mm. In addition, the computer vision can send all tracked information to the robot arm in order to pick up the targeted object automatically.

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How to Cite
เจริญเสียง ส. and ช่วยคง บ., “Development of Computer Vision System for Food Feeding Robot Arm for the Disabled Person”, JIST, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 39–48, Jun. 2013.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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