A Hybrid Approach for Thai Documents Plagiarism Detectionusing N-gram and Semantic Role Labeling Technique

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สรวัตร ประภานิติเสถียร
ไกรศักดิ์ เกษร


- Plagiarism detection methods have been required by many education institutions because students in these institutions use other people works or idea without referencing the original authors. However, the existing methods obtain poor performance when applying them to Thai documents because the sentence structure of Thai is different from English (e.g. no space between words). This research presents a hybrid approach for Thai document plagiarism detection using the N-gram and Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) techniques. In addition, keywords of documents are weighted to enhance similarity computation efficiency. As a result, the proposed technique can improve the plagiarism detection performance compared to traditional SRL and other existing methods.

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How to Cite
ประภานิติเสถียร ส. and เกษร ไ., “A Hybrid Approach for Thai Documents Plagiarism Detectionusing N-gram and Semantic Role Labeling Technique”, JIST, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 42–50, Jun. 2015.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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