Information Behavior Model: Perspective for Era Digital Environment

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วชิร ยั่งยืน
ศิวนาถ นันทพิชัย
ฐิมาพร เพชรแก้ว


- This paper studies, reviews, analyses, synthetics, and compares of the traditional information behavior models. This study aimed to (1) investigate the process, strengths and weaknesses of five information behavior models: Ellis's Information-seeking Behavioral Model, Information Search Process of Kuhlthau, Information Seeking Behavior Model of Meho and Tibbo, Information Seeking in Electronic Environments Model of Marchionini and Behavior Model of Information Seeking on the Web of Choo, (2) to examine the suitability of the five information behavior models in the context of digital environment with the advancement of information technology and data analytic. The data were obtained from analyzing and comparing five information behavior models. The method of this research is document analysis and research tool is a worksheet for comparative analysis of behavior models. The results showed that all information behavior models have similar processes such as Browsing, Differentiating, Monitoring, Verifying but they are different in terms of strengths and weaknesses. In addition, they cannot support all the changing behaviors of all users and not use benefit of information technology in today’s digital environment.

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How to Cite
ยั่งยืน ว., นันทพิชัย ศ., and เพชรแก้ว ฐ., “Information Behavior Model: Perspective for Era Digital Environment”, JIST, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 34–44, Jun. 2016.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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