Study of Automatic Test Case Generation Techniques using UML Activity Diagram

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วลัยภรณ์ ศรเกลี้ยง
ดร.ฐิมาพร เพชรแก้ว


- There are many techniques to generate test case from UML activity diagram, this brings about the difficulty in selecting the appropriate technique for different types of program. In this paper, we compared the eight algorithms of the automatic test case generation: Round-Robin, Condition-Classification Tree, Activity Tree, Intermediate Testable Model, Activity Dependency Table and Activity Dependency Graph, Test Path Reduction, Activity Convert Grammar, and Activity Flow Graph. The results showed that (1) in the aspect of covering all paths, almost all algorithm could generate all possible paths while the Round-Robin could generate too many paths, (2) in the aspect of covering basis paths, all eight algorithms could generate all basis paths, (3) in the aspect of the complex model activity diagram that we constructed, the Activity Convert Grammar could generate too many paths, it has 44.23% of paths that exceed the number of target path, the Test Path Reduction could generate too few paths, it has 65.38% of paths lower than the number of target paths, and the Activity Flow Graph could generate the amount of paths as same as the expected paths, it has only 1.92% of paths that exceed the number of target paths.

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How to Cite
ศรเกลี้ยง ว. and เพชรแก้ว ด., “Study of Automatic Test Case Generation Techniques using UML Activity Diagram”, JIST, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 17–27, Dec. 2016.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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