Designing Secure Mobile Payment Protocol with Mutual Authentication

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สุรการ ดวงผาสุข
ชาลี ธรรมรัตน์


- In current time, the transaction protocol over the wireless network has been very popular. Many researchers presented a payment protocol for goods or services. However, the research papers presented still lack of security features such as mutual authentication. The performance of the protocol is dropping due to a lot of messages sending in the network. This research proposed a new protocol and security features to solve the existing research in case of confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and mutual authentication. The proposed protocol has a number of messages less than existing protocols so the proposed protocol takes less time to complete transaction. Moreover, this paper also utilizes hybrid encryption between asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption with hash function to ensure the security of the system.

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How to Cite
ดวงผาสุข ส. and ธรรมรัตน์ ช., “Designing Secure Mobile Payment Protocol with Mutual Authentication”, JIST, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 28–37, Dec. 2016.
Research Article: Soft Computing (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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