The movement of cars through checkpoints alert system via mobile application using radio frequency identification

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Chiaochan Yangsila


The aim of this research is to develop the vehicle alert system by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The alert messages will be sent from this system to the vehicle owners via android application. Moreover, Radio Frequency Identification technology will be used in the vehicle detection system by installing Radio Frequency Identification Tag in the vehicles. The vehicle owners will have to register for the alert system service of Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) which depends on Google Play Services. Hardware is composed as follow: 1) Radio Frequency Identification Reader (Version: SID-U861-12dbi), it is able to cover a range of 25 meters and 2) Radio Frequency Identification Tag (Version: UHF Windshield Tag Model 10050), it is able to cover a range of 8 meters. Software is composed as follow: 1) Web server is used for registration and received the alert messages from system. Then it will manage data payload and transform to Firebase Cloud Messaging. 2) Firebase Cloud Messaging is used to send the alert messages via android application and 3) MongoDB is used for storing Tag ID which is processed from RFID Tag by applying Time to Live Indexes (TTL). The principle of system is when the vehicle is installed RFID Tag gets close to RFID Reader, the system will send the alert messages every 5 seconds. Until the vehicle pass RFID Reader. Results from the testing, the system has 100% accuracy.

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How to Cite
C. Yangsila, “The movement of cars through checkpoints alert system via mobile application using radio frequency identification”, JIST, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 15–24, Dec. 2018.
Research Article: Internet of Things (IoT) (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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