Fire Alarm System in Building

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Mukrawi Madares


Fire normally occurs in the area where there is no person or no inhabitant. We see the fire when we cannot control it. For that, it is important to have a fire protection system installed in the building or in the rooms. This is why we have an idea to create a fire alarm system by using Arduino microcontroller to receive the signal from the smoke detector and NodeMCU applied to the Internet. When smoke is detected, system will send alert data to Android operating system on smartphone. In addition to the camera will take the photo and send to user.

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How to Cite
M. Madares, “Fire Alarm System in Building”, JIST, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 56–64, Dec. 2018.
Research Article: Internet of Things (IoT) (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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