Development of Real-Time Monitoring and Warning System for Bridge Structure

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ittipong Khemapech


Engineering structure has been regarded as one of the physical aspects of societal and civil development and evolution. It also impacts life quality and safety of the civilian. Proper inspection and detection are thus crucial both during regular and unsafe events. A real-time monitoring and warning system for bridge structure (SPAN NeTwork – SPANNeT) has been developed and described in this paper. SPANNeT applies wireless sensor network, real-time and decentralized stream processing and weighted attack graph (WAG) based upon the measured bending strain. Major contributions include an effective, accurate and energy-aware data communication and real-time monitoring and warning mechanisms for existing bridge structures. SPANNeT has been tested and evaluated by means of computer-based simulation and on-site levels. According to the measurements, the reported strains are within the scale of 10 microstrains and the observed maximum values are 25 to 30 microstrains during normal operation. Given protocol provides at least 90% of data communication reliability. SPANNeT is capable of real-time data report, monitoring and warning efficiently conforming to the predefined thresholds which can be adjusted regarding user’s requirements and structural engineering characteristics.

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How to Cite
ittipong Khemapech, “Development of Real-Time Monitoring and Warning System for Bridge Structure”, JIST, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 83–96, Dec. 2018.
Research Article: Internet of Things (IoT) (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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