The Android Application of control fog watering Indian Oyster Mushroom

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Patthamanan Isaranontakul
Chamnan Rukphong


The research objectives were to create an android application and an equipment to control fog watering for Indian Oyster Mushroom. This application has three functions: 1) the user can order to turn on and turn off the faucet according to the user’s need, 2) the user can set time to turn on and turn off the faucet, and 3) the system can turn on the faucet based on the temperature and moisture from DHT22 sensor. The results showed that the application can automatically control temperature and moisture correctly and precisely, and automatic device can work properly.

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How to Cite
P. Isaranontakul and C. Rukphong, “The Android Application of control fog watering Indian Oyster Mushroom”, JIST, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–8, Jun. 2019.
Research Article: Internet of Things (IoT) (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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