The Tourism Promotion Application of 7 food menus that must be tasted in Phetchabun province with the augmented Reality Technology

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Saranya tritose
Tassanan Treenuntharath


The purpose of this research was 1) to develop the Tourism Promotional Application 7: Food to be tasted in Phetchabun province, in the form of Augmented Reality Technology and 2) to study tourist satisfaction on the Tourism Promotional Application 7: Food to be tasted in Phetchabun province, in the form of Augmented Reality Technology. The application development tools include Unity and C # programming language. The samples used in the study were 385 Thai tourists who came to visit in Muang District, Phetchabun Province. The research instrument was the Satisfaction Assessment of Tourism Promotional Application 7: Food to be tasted in Phetchabun province, in the form of Augmented Reality Technology, divided into content, design and formatting, and benefits of the application continue to be applied. The statistics used in the research were mean and standard deviation. The results showed the high level (x ̅=4.45, S.D.=0.68) of satisfaction on the Tourism Promotional Application 7: Food to be tasted in Phetchabun province, in the form of Augmented Reality Technology.

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How to Cite
S. tritose and T. Treenuntharath, “The Tourism Promotion Application of 7 food menus that must be tasted in Phetchabun province with the augmented Reality Technology”, JIST, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 9–17, Jun. 2019.
Research Article: Multidisciplinary (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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