Driving behavior check system

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พุฒินันท์ ร่วมรักษ์
กุศล วัชรอาภานุกร
โชกุน ดิษฐป้าน
ณัฏฐ์ มาเจริญ


The objective of this research is to create a system to check driving behavior through a web application. The reason why the researchers do this type of work is because the present day the organizing team has foreseen that road accidents are becoming more frequent every day. The main cause is due to the behavior of the driver, such as driving carelessly, not respecting traffic rules, drunk driving, etc. This system is a device attached to a car that has been tested driving in real-life conditions for use in observing the behavior of The driver with the device will have a sensor to check the driving behavior in 2 units which are 1. MPU-9150 and 2.GPS. The rule base is set to check driving behavior as follows Going out, driving on flat surfaces and rough roads will use the Sensor MPU-9150 for speed checking and speed checking, coordinate position analysis will use Sensor GPS to detect and can log data at Have created a graph to study driving behavior And the system can be used in the transportation industry for use as a driver behavior tracking system.

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How to Cite
ร่วมรักษ์ พ., วัชรอาภานุกร ก., ดิษฐป้าน โ., and มาเจริญ ณ., “Driving behavior check system”, JIST, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 35–43, Dec. 2019.
Research Article: Internet of Things (IoT) (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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