Intelligent Key Storage Management System with Automatic Identification

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Attapon Palananda
Khanittha Saelim


In this paper, we present the intelligent key storage management system by the automatic identification method. The device can store a maximum of 48 room keys. The borrowing key system uses automated biometric identification and a key return system uses an RFID-based automated identification method. These methods can identify the borrowed person and reference the keys of each room with identification tags to store the keys in the box. The operation system is controlled through a program window that can add, edit, and delete keys for each room. In disbursement of the keys for use, users must register to verify their fingerprints to determine the right to use the system. After successfully register in the system, Users can choose a room and borrow the keys with their fingerprints. After that, when the room has been used successfully, the user can return the key to the key return box. The system reads the room number from the identification tag and stores it in the key storage box. In our experiment, we used a questionnaire was used to collect data to survey the satisfaction of 50 users and compared the performance in two parts: measuring user satisfaction and measuring system performance. In the first part, the results of the development of this system showed that they were satisfied with the convenience and ease of use and satisfaction with the data security system and satisfaction with the design and the beauty with an average of 96.133, 88.2, and 78.4, respectively. In the second part, the proposed system compared with the staff. The results of experiments show that the developed system is faster than the staff about 3.681 seconds. In the same direction, the proposed system is faster than the staff in the average time when returning the key about 2.089 seconds.

Article Details

How to Cite
A. Palananda and K. Saelim, “Intelligent Key Storage Management System with Automatic Identification”, JIST, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 39–47, Jun. 2020.
Research Article: Internet of Things (IoT) (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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