Face Registration and Student’s Class Attending Monitoring System using Image Processing with Library Face Recognition

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Aekkarat Suksukont


This research present face registration and student’s class attending monitoring system using image processing with library face recognition. It will be useful to check-in all the student’s class attending and also to use the modern technology to register for classroom attendance. The effectiveness of the student's face recognition system was divided into two parts. In the term of comparison between the students’ face images with the database image. Then these image were pass through to Pre-Processing to create a database of student's faces and was compared with those database. In the term using the real-time face images (registration images), the registration images were created using the face recognition image system. The experiment results shown that, in the case of random 100 face image per a student gave the best recognition performance accuracy as 92%. Also, this designed system can view historical record data and transfer it to be document file.

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How to Cite
A. Suksukont, “Face Registration and Student’s Class Attending Monitoring System using Image Processing with Library Face Recognition”, JIST, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 21–28, Dec. 2021.
Research Article: Programming (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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