Ingredient and Flavor Network Analysis in Thai Cuisine
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Thai cooking places emphasis on a specific smell and taste of ingredients to create a different recipe based on the dish type. Moreover, the flavor is considered an important part that generates consumer satisfaction with the flavors in each dish. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the ingredient and flavor network in Thai cuisine. Statistical tools were used to carry out the study characterization of the cuisine and a flavor network was constructed to analyze the relationship between ingredients and flavor compounds. It was found that the flavor network of main dishes is different from dessert. In addition, most of the prevalent ingredients in the cuisine tend to share many flavor compounds. The frequency of ingredients used indicates a cooking style that corresponds to the unique taste of each dish type. This research will be useful to those who are interested in Thai dining for applying this finding to further research and development of food innovations in the field of flavor, recipes, or commoditization of new food products.
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