Android Application for Face Recognition and Verification using MobileFaceNets
Main Article Content
This paper presents the development of Android application for face recognition and verification using MobileFaceNets: a case study of the activity attendance check of staff at Roi Et Rajabhat University (RERU). The four objectives and their results in the study are as follows. 1) The developed Android application for face recognition and verification using MobileFaceNets was applicable to the activity attendance check of the RERU staff. 2) The Manhattan function had the fastest processing speed. 3) The researcher did a distance analysis for 100% accuracy and found that image A was identical to image B if the distance was <= 0.752 (Euclidean distance) or <= 5.796 (Manhattan distance) or >= 0.717 (Cosine Coefficient). 4) The efficiency analysis revealed that the application processing was 100% accurate.
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