Enhancing Stroke Rehabilitation at Home: Evaluating MediaPipe for Human Pose Estimation

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Norapat Labchurat
Worawat Choensawat
Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn


This research experiment evaluates the accuracy of MediaPipe, a computer vision technology, in estimating human pose compared to motion capture technology. The experiment utilizes poses derived from the Fugl-Meyer Assessment for upper extremity (FMA-UE). Webcams are installed at three positions: front 90º, left 40º, and right 140º of the participant, while participants wear motion capture suits. The experiment begins with simultaneous movements performed on both sides of the body, with data recorded from both systems simultaneously. We calculate angles of body joints and compare the accuracy percentage. The results indicate that MediaPipe's accuracy in estimating pose based on the FMA-UE was not significantly high. Due to limitations in estimating poses in the vertical plane from z-axis and the range resulted in wider angles than reality. However, the usage of normalization for 2D angle calculation presents the better accuracy. Therefore, MediaPipe can still be used for developing interactive applications and assist the doctor evaluate patient, but further research and development are needed for evaluating patients during FMA-UE exercises.

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How to Cite
N. Labchurat, W. Choensawat, and K. Sookhanaphibarn, “Enhancing Stroke Rehabilitation at Home: Evaluating MediaPipe for Human Pose Estimation”, JIST, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 45–53, Jun. 2023.
Research Article: Human-Computer Interaction (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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