An intelligent watering system for sweet corn cultivation with LoRa technology
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The cultivation of sweet corn is a field that utilizes a vast area, thereby the care and watering of sweet corn plants are inconvenient and time-consuming. Currently, Internet of Things technology plays a significant role in sending and receiving data, contributing to the development of a smart farm system. However, the Internet of Things still has a limitation on the distance over which data cannot be transmitted. Therefore, this research aims to develop a prototype smart watering system for cultivating sweet corn using LoRa technology, which relies on both receiving and sending data from water valve nodes and sensor nodes. These components communicate data in a peer-to-peer format. The results of system development and testing lead to the conclusion that the system can effectively operate the water valves in both on/off modes and successfully transmit values from remote sensors. The research sample consisted of 5 program development experts and 15 general users. The tools utilized in the research included a system performance evaluation form, and the statistics employed for data analysis were the mean and standard deviation. The results of the overall efficiency evaluation were at a high level, with a mean score of 4.43.
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