The Development of Calories Tracker Application on Mobile Device

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Weerawut Chaiyasomboon
Waraporn Jirapanthong


According to the study on health of Thai people [1], it is found
that one third of Thai people are overweight and one tenth of Thais are considered obese. Moreover, the research [1] claimed that during 1991-2009, the rate of Thais aged 15 years and over was overweight double (from 17.2 percent to 34.7 percent of all Thais) and considered obese increased almost three times (from 3.2 percent to 1 percent). The problem of overnutrition, especially in early childhood and school-aged children, is an important health issue that all parties must be aware of and cooperate to solve. This research aims to initiate and develop a tool that can support Thais to take care of their health sustainably and effectively. In this research, the researchers presented the development of the application named “HealthMe” The objectives are to monitor the nutrition and calories which a user consumes at each meal and assist the user to control the amount of consuming calories each day. Consumption data is recorded and analyzed along with other health data. The data can be then analyzed along with exercise data to analyze in-depth and broad health information. In this article, the design and development of the application are presented. It can also provide recommendation about healthy food and exercise methods that are appropriate to the user's health information. There is also a community of users using this application to take care of their health and food consumption. They can communicate and share information about nutrients intake to guide one's own diet. The application is developed using the SwiftUI framework connected to the Firebase database (using Authentication, Cloud Firestore, and Cloud Storage), which is only supported on iPhones running on iOS 16.4 or later. The authors propose the development of App on iOS platform. and Firebase. Additionally, we collected and analyzed functional and quality requirements from 78 Thai people aged 18-65 years. Our work include the design of user experience and user interface (UX/UI). The experimental results are claimed that the accuracy in term of functions was 100 percent and the user satisfaction was 93 percent.

Article Details

How to Cite
W. Chaiyasomboon and W. Jirapanthong, “The Development of Calories Tracker Application on Mobile Device”, JIST, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 22–33, Jun. 2024.
Research Article: Web Systems and Technologies (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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