Development of a Web Application for Student Navigation and Home Visits

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Phuwadon Yubonmat
Kacharin Thongfak
wiraiwan sanchana


This research presents the development of a web application for student navigation and home visits and evaluates the user satisfaction with the application. The users are divided into three groups: responsible teachers (administrators), homeroom teachers, and students. The system is developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Leaflet for displaying maps and student home coordinates. The web application manages student and homeroom teacher information, records student home coordinates, searches for routes to student homes, logs home visit information, manages scholarships, and generates home visit reports. The user satisfaction evaluation indicates a high level of satisfaction, with an average score (x̅) of 4.48 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.58.

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How to Cite
P. Yubonmat, K. Thongfak, and wiraiwan sanchana, “Development of a Web Application for Student Navigation and Home Visits”, JIST, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 74–83, Dec. 2024.
Research Article: Information Systems (Detail in Scope of Journal)


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